Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday To You !!!

Lucius turned 1 year old on 19 July 2008!!! Happy Birthday to Lucius ~~~
we arranged a party for him on that day, there were around 50 people in our house, it's first time we had so many guesses in our house.
very hard to believe that my baby already 1 year old now, time flies ~~~ i was trying to put the video clip, but it was too big that i couldn't uploading it, will try again when i can.

it was Angie's birthday too, on the same day. Birthday girl & birthday boy

sang birthday songs ~~~

i think Lucius couldn't wait to eat the cakes

Lucius received gifts, he want to open them straight away

Lucius: any more gifts for me to open??

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good Exercise Before The Nap

Monday, July 21, 2008

New Look with Glasses !!!

Look at Lucius, he looks smarter with the glasses!
Josefina & I went to city Perth to get my glasses fixed as they all got damaged by Lucius, there were some kids glasses in the store, so here we go ~~~

cute boy with girl's glasses on

smart boy with rectangle glasses on

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rebecca's Birthday

Lucius was invited to Rebecca's birthday dinner at her own place ........ ya !!!

nice dinner....... yummmmm

those two were the cooks for the night Angi & Ben, thanks guys, nice food!!!

beautiful birthday girl ~~~

beautiful cake was done by Anges

Lucius had lots fun with all the kids

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pinic at Backyard ---- 2

Another nice day for picnic, mummy made mini sushi for Lucius especially ~~~

noddles and soup are for mummy!!!

Lucius like eating the mini sushi

it started getting warmer, Lucius trying to take off the sox

start with the left one

then the right one

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rockingham beach 海灘初體驗

First time, Lucius went to a beach!!! but it's winter now he couldn't go into water. baby, wait for summer time we will come again!

a beautiful day

going to the beach !!!

Lucius loves it so much

playing sand

cleaning hands and feet

meeting new freiends

every kids loves Lucius

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fremantle 之旅

As usual, Saturday is our family day, we went to our favorite place for lunch -- Freo.

Lucius was scared of the balloon at the beginning (look at his face)

after daddy showed him how wonderful the balloon was then he loved it

looking at the man playing guitar

Lucius gave a clap to the man playing guitar........ well done, lovely music

a happy day in Freo

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dinner at Cinnamon Club

It's great to catch up with family !!! & we all love Indian

it was pretty cold on the night

Daddy, quick! make our order, I am so hungry

everyone enjoyed the dinner very much!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Picnic at Backyard ---- 1

Nice day out there, so let's go for picnic

what is on the menu mummy??

nice lunch ...... so full

mummy, many more for me?

what is up there? ...... a airplane

Lucius loves going everywhere in the backyard

also in & out the house easily