Monday, June 16, 2008

Golf Night - Driving Range

Lucius and Mummy decided to follow Daddy and uncle James for driving range after work, too boring to stay home on that night. so Mummy quietly dress him up and prepared snack (banana in yogurt) just in case Lucius might get bored while Daddy playing golf.

Daddy is showing Lucius what Golf balls are

Lucius: wow... so many, mummy are they eatable?

Lucius: Mummy do you want one, there are so many here

looking at Daddy playing golf from the back

Lucius: too boring, I am not allow to get any closer to the front

Lucius had to stay in this basket at the end as he wanted to join his daddy play golf, but too dangerous.

high five with uncle James !!! (Lucius: mum let me out please~~~)

Lucius: I will play golf with Daddy when I grow up!